Plastic Cards Printing

Plastic Cards

Custom PVC Plastic Card Printing locally in Singapore with a quick turn-around, at a affordable price and low minimum order quantity.

Photo ID Cards

Photo ID Cards

Custom Photo ID Cards to help identify personnel to ensure better control and secure access to workplaces and event venues.

Custom Printed PVC Luggage Tags

Luggage Tags

Luggage tags made from durable PVC perfect for carry-on or checked bags, golf bag tags, musical instrument cases, backpack tags and other personalised bag tags.

Card Accessories

Lanyards and card holders for your plastic cards

Make an impression with Custom Printed Plastic Cards

Since its inception in 2014,  Millenia Print has been providing custom printed plastic cards and name tags locally to meet the needs of our customers.

Whether you're looking for customer membership or loyalty cards, gift cards, or ID cards, you can explore our product categories to find the product offering that's suitable for your business. Contact us if you can't find what you're looking for or need some help.

Need Custom Printed Plastic Cards?

Get in touch for a quote for your project